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Hybrid 370Z Do we want one?
Last Post 06 May 2009 04:06 PM by smartbomb. 3 Replies.
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smartbombUser is Offline
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05 May 2009 05:43 PM  

What does everyone think?  Do we want a hybrid high performance sports car? What kind of features do we want, what sort of compromises between green, economy and performance are we wiling to accept? What sort of message do we want to send Nissan.  Lets discuss here!

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05 May 2009 06:23 PM  

I don't know. I'm a purist when it comes to performance cars and keeping them in the true realm of "performance". That's not to say that performance numbers cannot be attained with a "hybrid" vehicle but I think the two should remain seperate. I just about had a cow when I learned that Porsche was developing an SUV... AN SUV!!! From a business (read: money) standpoint, it made perfect sense for Porsche to develop and release this vehicle but I still didn't like it. Yeah yeah... I know the times around the "Ring" but still...


I think if Nissan wants to create a hybrid vehicle, they should market a brand new one that can stand on it's own. The last thing I want is someone looking at my car and wondering if I'm driving a hybrid or not.

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05 May 2009 09:07 PM  

 Mike you are right on point. I have owned both the 928S and 911. While the 928S is one of a kind, to me it is not a Porsche. A Porsche is a 911 period.  Nissan needs to market the hybrid as a unique model. A 370Z hybrid would be a bastard unworthy of the Z brand. 

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06 May 2009 04:06 PM  

If the performance was decent, I think it might be something worth doing.  The worlds best performing hybrid might be the ticket that will get the green movement going.  I think the EV only plug in mode is pretty cool.  If the battery dies, then you can fire up the IC mode and come home or find a charging station easily.

I lived with an early experimental EV a couple of years ago for a few weeks as part of a test and it was funny.  My wife turned on the heater, and it ran out of juice, I limped home going about 10 mph the last few blocks.  Then it took two days on the home charger to get enough juice to take it back to work.

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